you believe in Magick Part 28
Aliens and the
With all the
screeming about seperation of Church and State, I am always amazed that
the Vatican seems to have so much to say about what goes on in a world
where most people don't even believe in God. It seems like all the heads
of state are so concerned about the approval of the Pope. What is us with
that? Am I the only one who finds that a curiosity?
Vatican has Meetings with Aliens - HAARP Connection -2007 Post
In Februari 1954 Pope Pius XII received Los
Angelos Bishop James Francis McIntyre, who provided him with an
extraordinary report. Two days before, at the request of President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, the bishop had been part of a delegation witness to a
clandestine U.S./extraterrestrial meeting at Edwards Air Force Base. This
event was the meeting that occurred in California at Muroc Airfield (which
later became Edwards Air Force Base) of an alien delegation with President
Eisenhower, attended by Bishop McIntyre. The meeting was filmed by the
U.S. military with 3 16mm cameras, placed at different points, loaded with
color film and spring drive motors; that is because each camera operator
had to change the film every 3 minutes and because in the presence of the
aliens, electric motors did not work. In total they shot 20 minutes of
film in 7 rolls, each of them 30 meters in length.
At the end of the meeting, each member of the Earth delegation swore never
to reveal to anyone what he had seen and what he had heard about the
aliens. It was impressed on Bishop McIntyre before reaching Rome, that his
oath included the Holy Father. The bishop rejected this, and took his
report to the Vatican.
After having spoken with Bishop McIntyre at length, Pope Pius XII
meditated deeply on the possible implications of an exclusively American
military relationship with the aliens. The Pope decided to launch a secret
information department with a structure similar to the fascist military
intelligence departments, codenamed SIV(=Servizio Informazioni del
Vaticano) that would gather all possible information regarding the
activities of the alien entity and information acquired by the Americans.
It was very important to keep open channels of communication with
President Eisenhower.
The SIV was basically constituted to acquire and to manage all secret
information regarding alien matters, coordinating with intelligence
organizations in other countries. The main goal of the newly formed
department was to manage all aspects of the moral, philosophical and
religious implications of continuing ET contact.
The Siloe probe was constructed in Area 51, has an electromagnetic impulse
motor, and it was put in orbit by an Aurora type space plane. The probe
did not have any calculations or pre-indications of the trajectory or the
precise location of its distant target, because it was tasked to close
with the huge approaching planet, while avoiding a collision and to return
to our Solar System to a position close enough to transmit the data and
images to the SIV radio telescope located in Alaska. The probe was
launched as soon as the SIV telescope was operational and the probe was
capable of transmitting images in 1995. A Vatican source's description of
the location of these SIV facilities furthermore seems to suggest they are
part of HAARP in Alaska. Meaning that the Vatican and the U.S. have joined
forces in tackling the alien problem. Posted by Keith
H on March 2, 2012 at 7:00am

The Real Story of The Elongated Skulls at The Vatican
The report of these elongated skulls is years old at this stage but
it does make you wonder what the Vatican knows and when did they know it.
For the Vatican to be so open and forthcoming on the existence of
extraterrestrials is out of character for such a stodgy and at times
archaic institution. Here is the story
"Whatever those remains represent, there's a reason why the good
fathers buried them there to be forgotten." Alien Remains Found at
The Vatican. Pope Told To Remain Silent. Many alien skulls were found
during a restoration project at the Vatican Library.Rendition of the
appearance of the excavated skull when alive.
THE VATICAN. SPECIAL REPORT. Skeletal remains resembling 'space aliens'
have been excavated from the basement floor of a centuries old vault under
the Vatican Library.
The Library had been undergoing a major restoration to its' underground
vaults, of which many, CN has learned, still contained dirt floors that
have not felt a human foot in over 500 years.
The above picture of a restoration worker holding an alien skull was
obtained by CN through an anonymous carrier. The Vatican Military has
closed all entry to the Library. Although a Vatican spokesperson was
quoted expressing his awe and excitement concerning the find; he later
disavowed any knowledge of the comment. Press sources have confirmed that
an unprecedented command of silence has been enacted by Pope John Paul
upon the request of several world security organizations.
A world security agency meets with the Pope.
UFO organizations are already calling this "the great world
government cover-up." Mary Peterson, chairperson for SART (Space
Aliens are Real and a Threat), states her opinion "what lies beneath
the Vatican floors belongs in our Universities to be studied. This only
proves the theory that world government has known of aliens all along. And
the Vatican is essentially it's own country with its' own government and
The 'fear of God' has already been put into the hearts of many of the
faithful. Sister Judy Mebosa, chef at St. John's Cathedral in London,
stated "it's the mark that the end is near. Whatever those remains
represent, there's a reason why the good fathers buried them there to be
forgotten. And there's a reason why God has allowed them to be
Michael Maregski, Lutheran pastor of Our Holy Father in Rome, is quoted as
saying "the ufologists have been speculating for many years that
aliens may have been portrayed as angels to our ancestors in antiquity. If
this speculation turns out to be proven true; why would angels be buried
at the Vatican only to be forgotten?" Father Edward Muldoon, of St.
Jude's in Rome, answered pastor Michael Maregski's question with
"maybe they are angels, but remember, there were two groups of
United States envoy, James D. Arnold, states "everyone just needs to
calm down about this matter. The Vatican area was once swamp land. I think
people are just seeing the effects of swamp gas."