Do You Believe in Magick Part 7 - EASTERN RELIGION WORKS ITS MAGICK continued

Since 2001, the popularity of yoga in the USA has risen constantly. This has been due to the fact that most large corporations, sports teams, and school systems have made the Yoga Exercise Programs mandatory, in the interest of keeping attendance and production at their highest levels. The number of people who practice some form of yoga has grown from 4 million (in 2001) to 20 million (in 2011). Yoga has enjoyed tremendous support from world leaders such as Barack Obama.
Get Moving with the Yoga PALA Challenge
and Achieve the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award

"Yoga has become a universal language of spiritual exercise in the United States, crossing many lines of religion and cultures. Everyday millions of people practice yoga to improve their health and overall well-being. That’s why we’re encouraging everyone to take part in PALA+, so show your support for yoga and answer the challenge!"
Barack Hussein Obama II

Participate in PALA+
PALA+ is the next phase of PALA (Presidential Active Lifestyle Award), a program of the President’s Challenge, designed to motivate Americans to make physical activity and healthy eating part of their everyday life.
The physical activity requirements for PALA+ remain the same: 60 minutes/day for kids, 30 minutes/day for adults, five days a week for six out of eight weeks. The new nutrition component requires participants to add a weekly healthy eating goal and build upon those goals throughout the same six-week period. Individuals who achieve the physical activity and healthy eating goals will receive a certificate signed by the Council co-chairs.
Barack Obama challenged everyone to "Click on the link" to register for the PALA+ and to join the Yoga PALA Challenge team!

Let's take a look at the practice to which Obama wanted EVERYONE to commit, Yoga. I think everyone should know exactly what Yoga is before they agree to accept this challenge/invitation.What does Wikipedia have to say:

CHAKRA Etymology
The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel," as well as "circle" and "cycle". It's described by many as a spinning wheel of light. Of the many chakras within the human body, seven have been identified as major.

noun, Yoga.
1. any of the points of spiritual power located along the body, usually given as six in number. The points are personified by gods and can be released through the proper exercises.

Origin of cakraExpand
< Sanskrit: literally, wheel

The texts and teachings present different numbers of chakras. Also, different physical structures are considered chakras. "In fact, there is no "standard" system of the chakras. Every school, sometimes every teacher within each school, has had his own chakra system." The following features are common:
· They form part of the body, along with the breath channels (Nadi), and the winds (Vayu).
· They are located along the central channel (Sushumna/avadhūtī).
· Two side channels cross the center channel at the location of the chakras.
· They possess a number of 'petals' or 'spokes'.
· They are generally associated with a mantra seed-syllable, and often with a variety of
colours and deities.
· There are believed to be 7 major chakras.
Chakras play an important role in the main surviving branch of Indian Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism. They play a pivotal role in completion stage practices, where an attempt is made to bring the subtle winds of the body into the central channel, to realize the clear light of bliss and emptiness, and to attain

What is Yoga? The word Yoga means “union”, the goal of Yoga is to unite one’s transitory (temporary) self, “JIVA” with the infinite “BRAHMAN”, the Hindu concept of God. This God is not a personal God, but it is an impersonal spiritual substance which is one with nature and the cosmos. Brahman is an impersonal divine substance that “pervades, envelopes and underlies everything”. Yoga has its roots in the Hindu Upanishads, which is as old as 1.000 BC, and it tells about Yoga thus, “unite the light within you with the light of Brahman”. “The absolute is within oneself,” says the Chandogya Upanishads, “TAT TUAM ASI” or “THOU ART THAT”. The Divine dwells within each one of us through His microcosmic representative, the individual self-called Jiva. In the Bhagavad Gita, the lord Krishna describes the Jiva as “my own eternal portion”, and “the joy of Yoga comes to the yogi who is one with Brahman”. In A.D. 150, the yogi Patanjali explained the eight ways that lead the Yoga practices from ignorance to enlightenment – the eight ways are like a staircase – They are self-control (Yama), religious observance (ni Yama), postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), sense control (pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), deep contemplation (dhyana), enlightenment (samadhi). It is interesting to note, here, that postures and breathing- exercises, often considered to be the whole of Yoga in the West, are steps 3 and 4 towards union with Brahman! Yoga is not only an elaborate system of physical exercises, it is a spiritual discipline, purporting to lead the soul to samadhi, total union with the divine being. Samadhi is the state in which the natural and the divine become one, man and God become one without any difference (Brad Scott: Exercise or religious practice? Yoga: What the teacher never taught you in that Hatha Yoga class” in the Watchman Expositor Vol. 18, No. 2, 2001).

In Hinduism, good and evil, like pain and pleasure are illusory (Maya) and therefore unreal. Vivekananda, the most respected icons of modern Hinduism, said “good and evil are one and the same” (Vivekananda. “The yogas and other works” published, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Centre NY 1953). In Christianity, the vexing problem of sin as an offense against the Holiness of God is inseparable from our faith because sin is the reason why we need a Saviour. The Incarnation, the Life, the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of Jesus are for us means for salvation, that is to set us free from sin and its consequences. We can not ignore this fundamental difference in order to absorb Yoga and other Eastern meditation techniques into Christian Spirituality. The practice of Yoga is pagan at best, and
occult at worst. This is the religion of antichrist and for the first time in history, it is being wildly practiced throughout the Western world and America. It is ridiculous that even yogi masters wearing a Cross or a Christian symbol deceive people saying that Yoga has nothing to do with Hinduism and say that it is only accepting the other cultures. Some have masked Yoga with Christian gestures and call it “Christian Yoga”. Here it is not a question of accepting the culture of other people, it is a question of accepting another religion which is irrelevant to our religion and religious concepts.
excerpts taken from Yoga in philosophy and practice is incompatible with Christianity by James Manjackal MSFS


Yoga Poses/Positions/Exercises:
physical positions that cultivate awareness, relaxation, and concentration"

Twelve “salutations to the sun”

The twelve postures presented in the graphic to the left are known at the "Salutations to the Sun". This sequence usually constitutes the warming up exercises at the beginning of each Yoga class.

You don't have to be very observant to recognize that the majority of these basic poses are reverential in nature. More than a greeting of the sun, these constitute an act of outright worship. Obviously, Yoga promotes idolatry, the postures speak for themselves. Through these postures, the sun is adored as a god, a practice very present in Hinduism. There is an infinity of different asanas, each one with its benefits at the physical level and each with its own deities.
Buddhist-Hindu-Pantheist pseudo-philosophy teaches the possibility of attaining illumination, opening the chakras, merging with the divinity, and exploring your own divine nature.

In other words, every Pagan teaching known to man.

Mantra - a sacred utterance believed to have psychological and spiritual powers

Mantras are invocations to Hindu gods and not insignificant phrases as they are often touted to be by deceptive yoga instructors. The best known is ‘Om’ which b
y sound and form symbolizes the infinite Brahman (ultimate reality) and the entire universe to the Hindu. It is not the only Mantra. There are many more mantras employed in the yoga class. During the greeting to the sun, you might hear some repeated (and repeated and repeated) whose translation would be more or less this: “Earth, space and skies, the adorable Sun god, in his god light I meditate, Meditation in him, we are filled with enthusiasm.”
Foolish students are calling upon demonic entities out of ignorance. Convinced that it is possible to separate the physical aspects of eastern practice from the spiritual aspects, they blindly follow their favorite guru to HELL.

Yoga is impregnated with pantheism and worship of Hindu gods, adoration of pagan deities and an obsessive search for personal self-awareness and elimination of pain. As the practitioner is focused primarily on self, Yoga leads to narcissism. The yoga instructor will always praise the student's personal effort and encourage the attainment of dreams, the goal being to convert man into a demigod through the power of concentration aimed at eliminating pain and all that is toxic in life (possibly even members of one's own family if they cause you to suffer). Self-forgetfulness,
egocentrism and self-domination all promote man’s own dominion and not submission to an omniscient, loving God.
Kundalini is nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where Self is the universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every being, and that the individual mind of thoughts cloaks this natural energy from unadulterated expression. Advaita teaches self-realization, enlightenment, God-consciousness, and nirvana. But, initial Kundalini awakening is just the beginning of
actual spiritual experience. Self-inquiry meditation is considered a very natural and simple means of reaching this goal.
According to the Yogis, there are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called Pingalâ and Idâ, and a hollow canal called Sushumnâ running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the "Lotus of the Kundalini". They describe it as triangular in form in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis, there is a power called the Kundalini (snake), coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes, it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and all the different visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain, the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free. We know that the spinal cord is composed in a peculiar manner. If we take the figure eight horizontally (∞) there are two parts which are connected in the middle. Suppose you add eight after eight, piled one on top of the other, that will represent the spinal cord. The left is the Ida, the right Pingala, and that hollow canal which runs through the center of the spinal cord is the Sushumna. Where the spinal cord ends in some of the lumbar vertebrae, a fine fiber issues downwards, and the canal runs up even within that fiber, only much finer. The canal is closed at the lower end, which is situated near what is called the sacral plexus, which, according to modern physiology, is triangular in form. The different plexuses that have their centers in the spinal canal can very well stand for the different "lotuses" of the Yogi.
When Kundalini Shakti is conceived as a goddess, then, when it rises to the head, it unites itself with the Supreme Being (Lord Shiva). Then the aspirant becomes engrossed in deep meditation and infinite bliss. At the command of the yogi in deep meditation, this creative force turns inward and flows back to its source in the thousand-petaled lotus, revealing the resplendent inner world of the divine forces and consciousness of the soul and Spirit. Yoga refers to this power flowing from the coccyx to Spirit as the awakened kundalini.

The popularization of eastern spiritual practices has been associated with psychological problems in the west. Psychiatric literature notes that "since the influx of eastern spiritual practices and the rising popularity of meditation starting in the 1960s, many people have experienced a variety of psychological difficulties, either while engaged in
intensive spiritual practice or spontaneously". Among the psychological difficulties associated with intensive spiritual practice, we find "Kundalini awakening", "a complex physio-psychospiritual transformative process described in the yogic tradition". Researchers in the fields of Transpersonal psychology, and Near-death studies have described a complex pattern of sensory, motor, mental and affective symptoms associated with the concept of Kundalini, sometimes called the Kundalini syndrome. Exceprtstaken from The Kundalini Project SOURCE

Christians Who Open the 7 Chakras Are Demonized!

Dangerous Meditations

The truth about GOD and the serpent (Kundalini)
So, the Kabballah came out of Egypt

Kundalini is present in ancient Egypt, India, Peru, Mexico/America
Incan and Egyptian compared

Potential Psychological Dangers of Meditation – Especially Relevant for Those with PTSD

So, Eastern Religion, and its
practices, is just a continuation of the deception in the Garden of Eden. The Devil/Snake continues to promise that you will become God. We have seen that Eastern Culture/Religion has repeatedly tried to wiggle its way into Western Society. Fortunately, our predecessors were smart enough to realize what was happening and crush the onslaughts of the past. Will our generation be as smart? Or, have we become so heathenized, so demoralized, so removed from the TRUTH, that we will fall for the lies of the Serpent?
Eastern Religion Terminology / Buzz words to watch for

Chakra - (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number.
Prana - prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for "life force" or vital principle.[1] In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts, the term refers collectively to all cosmic energy, permeating the Universe on all levels. Prana is often referred to as the "life force" or "life energy".
Kundalini - the spirit of the Serpent dormant in everyone. Upon the awakening of the Serpent
you become a NAGA - GOD
CHI – breath or spirit of the Celestial Serpent
Nirvana -
from Sanskrit nirvana-s "extinction, disappearance"(of the individual soul into the universal), literally "to blowout, a blowing out" ("not transitively, but as a fire ceases to draw;" a literal Latinization would be de-spiration)

Continued in Part 8 - Westernization of the EASTERN PRACTICE OF MEDITATION