Argentina investigates Rape of Children at Catholic School for the Deaf

Pervert Priests still going Strong LUJAN DE CUYO, Argentina (AP) — The children told prosecutors the two Roman Catholic priests repeatedly raped them by an image of the Virgin Mary inside the small school chapel in remote northwestern Argentina. Only their tormenters would have heard their cries because the other children at the school were … Click Here to Read more

Congress Urges Murder Charges for Abortionist Douglas Karpen

This Satanist Kills Babies Born Alive and gets away with it!

The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has announced that it has made a total of 15 criminal referrals based on its investigation into the underground trade in aborted baby organs and tissue. Six of the referral letters were just released late yesterday, while nine others had been previously made public.

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Microchiping Fears Force Changes To Bill That Allows Tracking People

Under the guise of public safety, Democratic and Republican law makers have pushed for a law that would allow for the implantation of tracking microchips in minors with autism and senior citizens with dementia. 
Following the drowning deaths of 9-year-old Kevin Curtis Wills in 2008 and 14-year-old Avonte Oquendo in 2014, both diagnosed with autism, legislators presented Bill H.R. 4919 that would apply to both children and the elderly.

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Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Are you subject to these evil forces that are all around us? Do you unknowingly give into them? There is a way to stop them … Click Here to Read more

Biblical Numerology Part 2

Continuation of Biblical Numerology from Part 1 – Number Eight forward

EIGHT: sh’moneh in Hebrew, from the root shah’meyn “to make fat” or “to cover with fat” which means to super-abound. The first of a new series: there are seven days in a week; the 8th day is the beginning of a new series of days. It is the number of salvation, resurrection, and new birth/regeneration.

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Biblical Numerology Part 1

The Significance of Numbers in Scripture This Study comes from Agape Bible Study and authored by Michal Hunt. Permission is given to re post and distribute according to Agape Bible Study Permissions Guidelines In sacred Scripture numbers usually have more significance than their quantitative indicators. More often than not even when a number is used … Click Here to Read more

Christians using Signs of Satanism and Witchcraft?

Do some Christians using Signs of Satanism and Witchcraft? Yes! Some use them unknowingly and others know exactly what they are doing! Categorized Signs and Symbols are at these links Satanism – Gothic – Vampirism Witchcraft – Paganism – New Age Masons – Secret Clubs Catholicism ——- Voodoo Racism – Racist groups False Religion – … Click Here to Read more