Satanic Temple Jezebels are Breeder Whores

Breeder Whore at Satanic Temple Sacrifices her unborn child on Thanksgiving day.   Lovely and desirable…. isn’t she? The breeder whore Jex Blackmore led by example being impregnated by a fellow devil worshiper or perhaps by satan himself and then sacrificed that child to satan on Thanksgiving day. “I had a Thanksgiving abortion,” wrote Jex … Click Here to Read more

Leah Remini: Scientology Forces Women to Have Abortions

Leah Remini’s newest A&E episode on Scientology reveals some of the most horrific and shocking stories of ex-‘church’ members yet.

In Scientology and the Aftermath, former celebrity member Leah Remini exposed yet another secret of the cult-like organization: they forced women to have abortions. Remini interviewed Marc and Claire Headley in a recent episode.

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