Sipping Saints and Drunkards Part 2

Most Christians who believe that the Bible is the Word of God, agree that it is sinful to get drunk, but some do not know that the Bible teaches against the drinking of any alcohol. By Dave Smith To begin with, the words usually translated “wine”—yayin in the Old Testament and oinos in the New … Click Here to Read more

Fallen Angel Lucifer Wine

‘Lost Angel’ Wine Markets Themselves To Lost People Going To Hell

The following is an NTEB Original Story. Please provide a link back when reposting this.

The perfect wine for a lost world waiting for the Antichrist

“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” Proverbs 20:1
“For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” Matthew 18:11

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Ancient Boundary Stones – Do Not Move Them

    By Cynthia Pawl 7/4/16   When the Lord began to open the Word of God to me, in my 20’s, I read the entire Bible from beginning to end in about 6 months. Amazingly, I understood every word. He revealed the understanding to me, very clearly. There was one phrase that kind of … Click Here to Read more

20th Century Fox and Fox News Network: A Den of Ahab’s and Jezebel’s!

There have been Many Changes at the Fox Conglomeration since I wrote this in 2015. One thing however remains consistent. They are STILL a Den of Ahab’s and Jezebel’s, with the exception of just a few!! 1st Kings 16:30-33 And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all … Click Here to Read more

Singer resigns from Mormon Tabernacle Choir because of Donald Trump

This Silly Woman is a Mormon. Mormons are NOT Christians. Says she ‘could never look myself in the mirror again’ if she performed for Trump.

Being a Mormon, she is singing in Satan’s Choir so I say good riddance!

The Salt Lake Tribune December 29, 2016 – The Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s acceptance of the invitation to sing at Donald Trump’s inauguration has spawned widespread debate among the faithful and thousands of signatures on a petition demanding the decision’s reversal.

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Congress Urges Murder Charges for Abortionist Douglas Karpen

This Satanist Kills Babies Born Alive and gets away with it!

The House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has announced that it has made a total of 15 criminal referrals based on its investigation into the underground trade in aborted baby organs and tissue. Six of the referral letters were just released late yesterday, while nine others had been previously made public.

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