The Battle between Good and Evil: Part 1

The Twisting of Words, telling half truth and outright lying has become the normal practice in the world. Even in the Church Body! Very few have the……… guts or the Spiritual Discernment to call a spade a spade and stand against evil no matter what the cost! No other two Scriptures in the Word of … Click Here to Read more

Apostates gather to Worship the Spirit of Santa Claus

One World Religion adherents gather to pray to their false gods and advance the coming of the anti-Christ! United in Christ? Sounds real good huh? What Santa Claus Has to Do With Kenneth Copeland, Lou Engle, Che Ahn and Mike Bickle Charisma News – As the legend of St. Nick begins to make the rounds … Click Here to Read more

45 foot Naked Jezebel Statue to be erected next to Osiris!

A celebration of the Demon Spirit of Jezebel, Feminism and Witchcraft next to the Statue of Osiris, the Washington Monument! There IS a hidden Occult Meaning! WASHINGTON — A 45-foot-tall sculpture of a nude woman could be coming to the National Mall for an extended stay. Organizers of the Catharsis on the Mall event are … Click Here to Read more

Socialist Jew Bernie Sanders shows Hatred for Christianity

“I am very proud to be Jewish, and being Jewish is so much of what I am.” Source. Family Research Council Launches Petition for Apology from Bernie Sanders for Religious Attack Breitbart News – President Donald Trump’s pick for the Office of Management and Budget’s deputy director post was grilled not for his budgetary principles, … Click Here to Read more

United Nations plan to Mark the World Population by 2030

If you believe the Bible is true, then you know it’s going to happen.

The “ Mark of the Beast” is a staple of prophecy, a development many evangelical Christians would take as a sign the end times have truly begun.

And Pastor Carl Gallups believes there are real, concrete indications the United Nations has already started making preparations to develop the very technology that could be used to register every single person on Earth.

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Ancient Boundary Stones – Do Not Move Them

    By Cynthia Pawl 7/4/16   When the Lord began to open the Word of God to me, in my 20’s, I read the entire Bible from beginning to end in about 6 months. Amazingly, I understood every word. He revealed the understanding to me, very clearly. There was one phrase that kind of … Click Here to Read more

Mark of the Beast WILL bring Spiritual Death Part 3

WHY THE MARK BRINGS SPIRITUAL DEATH PART 3 By Donna Wasson September 26, 2015 “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Genesis 1:27 (KJV). The Book of Enoch is still part of the canon in Ethiopian and Coptic Christian Bibles. … Click Here to Read more

Mark of the Beast WILL bring Spiritual Death Part 1

WHY THE MARK BRINGS SPIRITUAL DEATH PART 1 Posted with Permission By Donna Wasson September 6, 2015 This may very well be my last article as a watchman on the wall. Since 2007, I’ve spent countless hours in research, prayer, bible reading and writing, doing all I can to open the eyes and ears of … Click Here to Read more

Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast – 666 There are some Preachers out there that are saying a person can TAKE the Mark and then later recant, decide they don’t want it. NO, NO, NO. Listen to Tom Horn explain it. Click on the arrow on the player. If you can’t see the player Click Here. … Click Here to Read more

Idol Worship and False gods

FLIRTING WITH FALSE GODS Dr. Joe Allbright One of the biggest problems that Christians have today is treating lightly the things of the Devil and the influence that those things can have on their lives and the lives of those we love. So often, we are found flirting with false gods. I. HOW DO WE … Click Here to Read more