TV Series Glorifies Cannibalism / “Spirit Cooking”

New show seems to justify killing conservatives

This ties in with Hillary Clinton’s Witchcraft also

Millie Weaver discusses the new Netflix series, “The Santa Clarita Diet”, which blatantly promotes cannibalism while at the same time promoting what appears to be killing white males and people that could be construed as “Nazis”.

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Demons Manifest in Cannibal killer: Murders Woman with Screwdriver and Chewed on her Face

“There’s blood everywhere and it looks like a horror film. “He was using the screwdriver and stabbing.”

Excerpted from The Sun UK – A HOTEL landlady told today how she found a “ cannibal” killer dripping with blood in the darkness after he butchered a young shop worker and chewed on her face.

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Blood of Young People? $8,000 will get you a Bag!

Proverbs 31:30 “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised” Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that … Click Here to Read more

It’s in The Blood Part 10

ABORTION and how it relates

By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16

In my younger years, I got myself into a very bad situation. There were many factors involved and I don’t really need to go into detail, the thing that is important is that I made a decision to have an abortion. Between the situation I was in, the pressure from the father, and the lies told by the clinic, I was rushed into a decision that I did not want to make. But, I agreed and signed the paper. I had to wait the 24 hour waiting period that was the law at that time. I went in the following morning with a heavy heart and while I was waiting in the clinic… I had a change of heart. I knew it was wrong and determined not to go through with this horrendous act. When I spoke to the doctor/manager of the clinic he told me I could not change my mind. The contract had been signed and it was binding. It was too late. They dragged me into a room and gave me some kind of shot. When I woke up, it was all over. Shortly after the abortion, I became deathly ill. I went to see my regular doctor and he said “you have had an abortion”. I asked him how he knew. “He said, because who ever performed the abortion used dirty utensils, and you have a very bad infection. You are lucky it did not kill you.”

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It’s in The Blood Part 9

THE RFID CHIP What’s it to YOU?


By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16

We are rapidly advancing toward a world where everything will be accessed using a single RFID microchip. This microscopic implant can make your physical body machine readable and act as a universal identity token for navigating through a world increasing dominated by technology. Your RFID implant can provide instant, easy, secure access to your bank account, laptop, phone, car, office, motorcycle, and your own front door.

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It’s in The Blood Part 7


By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16

Genetically modified humans has been the goal of the United States military since well before the 1940’s. With the aid of our modern biotechnology companies, they are making tremendous headway in the development of their Super Soldier. “The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency” (DARPA) has a $2 billion yearly budget for research to develop this super solider. Experimenting with the human genome, DARPA hopes to manipulate certain gene expressions. As part of their experimentation, DARPA and the military industrial pharmaceutical complex are using mind altering drugs as well as genetic engineering to enhance the soldiers’ natural abilities.

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It’s in The Blood Part 6

GENETIC ENGINEERING – Designer Babies By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16   YOU ARE ONLY HUMAN, BUT YOUR KIDS COULD BE SO MUCH MORE AUTHOR: PAUL KNOEPFLER “Have you ever wished that there were something different about yourself? Maybe you imagined yourself taller, thinner, or stronger? Smarter? More attractive? Healthier? Or perhaps, as much as you love … Click Here to Read more

It’s in The Blood Part 5

HUMAN HYBRIDS – HOW TRAGIC! By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16 OH MY GOODNESS!! Do you have a heart??? The first time I looked at these pictures, I cried. How horrifying. Who could be so ruthless as to create these poor beings? You have to wonder what is going on inside of them. IF they have human … Click Here to Read more

It’s in The Blood Part 4


By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16

Though admittedly, many lives have been saved or prolonged through organ transplants, yet, I have to wonder, at what cost? Most likely the majority of those organ recipients are not even aware of the changes that have occurred and indeed are occurring inside of them. I recently wrote an article titled “Ancient Boundary Stones” which clearly lays out why we were wrong to allow this door to open. Transplants, indeed the mixing of cells, should never have been allowed. I am totally convinced the small gain is not worth the high cost. Not only for the individual, but for society as a whole. When we start moving the boundaries and allowing new developments space to operate… we open a Pandora’s box. The forces of evil will drive men to take everything and any opportunity to the darkest extreme. I implore you to watch the videos and read the articles below. Listen to the HORROR that has already been created by all of these practices, and believe me we have only scratched the surface. The darkest days still lie ahead.

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It’s in The Blood Part 3

What is a Chimera?

By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16

Once I had heard the story of the woman with the heart transplant I began to research, as I said. I found that there is actually a term for this phenomena. It is called a chimera.

A genetic chimerism or chimera (also spelled chimaera) is a single organism composed of cells from different zygotes. This can result in male and female organs, two blood types, or subtle variations in form.[1] Animal chimeras are produced by the merger of multiple fertilized eggs. In plant chimeras, however, the distinct types of tissue may originate from the same zygote, and the difference is often due tomutation during ordinary cell division. Normally, genetic chimerism is not visible on casual inspection; however, it has been detected in the course of proving parentage.[2]

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