Pedophile Catholic Priests have Stronghold on Island of Guam

When you read this keep in mind it is on a small island with not that many people.

This has been going on, according to the article, since 1955! Just another instance of religion being used as a cover. It is stated the parents told one child “ clergy are never wrong, and that the clergy were like Jesus.”  Oh those brain washed religious fools!

Excerpts USA Today There was yard work and cleaning, followed by invitations to the rectory to eat and watch TV. Soon, there were offers to drink sacramental wine and watch X-rated movies. Then sexual assault…. More than 50 times over three years….. By the parish priest.

An investigation by the USA TODAY Network’s Pacific Daily News unearthed allegations of decades of assault, manipulation and intimidation of children reared on this remote, predominantly Catholic U.S. territory.  Among the accusations: a boy fondled on the way to his grandmother’s burial, and another molested for the first time on his seventh birthday, then raped or assaulted 100 more times.

It is a Disease! A Disease of False Religion and Demon Possession!

The children’s steadfast faith in the island’s priests made them vulnerable, the lawsuits say.  Accuser William Payne’s parents “had raised him to honor and respect the priest, and told him that he had to do what the priest told him to do,” according to his lawsuit.  He had “been instilled with the belief that clergy are never wrong, and that the clergy were like Jesus.”.

The lawsuits and other public statements collectively claim that priests preyed on children for nearly four decades, with allegations of wrongdoing reaching the highest levels of the Guam Catholic hierarchy. 

Archbishop Anthony Apuron, 13 Guam priests and others, including a Catholic schoolteacher, a Catholic school janitor and a Boy Scout leader, are alleged to be sexual predators. Guam’s Archdiocese of Agana is a defendant in 96 lawsuits. The complaints detail alleged attacks from 1955 through 1994 and claim some religious leaders knew of the exploitation and ignored it. One retired priest, who admitted in an affidavit that he sexually abused 20 or more boys, still receives a monthly stipend from the archdiocese. The accusations also ensnare the Boy Scouts of America, where that priest also served as a scoutmaster. The scouting group is named as a co-defendant in 52 lawsuits.

In June 2016, Pope Francis suspended Apuron, who has since been accused in four lawsuits of sexually abusing four altar boys in the 1970s. The Vatican is now trying him in a secret procedure that could lead to him being dismissed from the clergy, also known as being laicized. Apuron is among the highest-ranking church officials to be tried by the Vatican for sexual wrongdoings. 

Apuron’s Vatican trial is “very, very rare, and the reason it’s rare is because the Vatican or the popes have protected the bishops,” says Dominican priest Tom Doyle, a specialist in canon, or church, law who advocates for abuse victims. “They consider them to be the most important part of the church, so they protect them, no matter what they’ve done.”

Complaints against the Boy Scouts say the group ignored the priest abuse and enabled clergy to prey on young boys. At times the church required Guam altar boys join the Boy Scouts, and Boy Scouts were encouraged to serve in the church, according to lawsuits.

Now do you see why the Homosexual Perverts fought so hard to let Queers be Scout leaders and to allow Transgender’s in? But I digress!

The Wolves watching over the Sheep!

Catholicism has long been an integral part of life on this Western Pacific island. 

“Since the 17th century, Catholic churches have been the center of village activities,” proclaims the Guam Visitors Bureau on a website describing the culture of its native Chamorro population.

About 85% of its residents are Catholic, populating 26 parishes on an island just 30 miles long. 

Extreme reverence for church leadership, paired with Guam’s remote location, left abused children geographically trapped with few places to go for help, says Joelle Casteix, a volunteer regional director of the support group Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, known as SNAP.

Priests used their clout to gain access to the boys, as well as to keep their victims quiet, according to many of the lawsuits. One accuser, described in his lawsuit only as S.A.F., said that in 1975 Brouillard told him, “If you tell anyone, no one will believe you because I am a priest.” 

In some cases, they were told that sexual acts were “penance” or were needed to earn Boy Scout badges, according to lawsuits.

One of the Rape Victims stated: 

“I thought about it a million times, but I was scared to tell them, especially my mom,” a man identified only as R.B. in his lawsuit told the Pacific Daily News in a phone interview. “She’s a die-hard Catholic. If I tell her a priest did that to me, I don’t think she would believe me.” 

The Investigator was told this:

“No one wanted to be seen with me, not even the tipster who initially called me,” she says. “I was told that the church was the most powerful entity on the island, outside of the military. Messing with Apuron was worse than messing with God.”

Stupid sheep still in the fold and defending the Wolves 

On the island, resident Mae Reyes Ada, 74, says she sometimes feels embarrassed and guilty that she did not speak up when she first heard rumors of clergy abuse in the 1970s. “The mentality at the time was you don’t say anything bad about the church and the priests,” she says, adding that she didn’t have proof.

This is STILL the mentality of fools. It is still happening. Right now as you read this, somewhere in the world a priest is raping  or molesting a child! What the hell is wrong with you idiots? Get the hell out of Babylon!

“We should have, and we could have, done something a long time ago,” says Ada, who joined the peaceful protests to have Apuron permanently removed from the clergy.

Despite the scandal, she says, her religious conviction has only intensified.

“The church is going through purging and cleansing,” she says. “It takes somebody with a strong faith to fight this war.”

Strong faith is required, but wrong faith will lead to destruction. Those who helped these Disciples of Satan, like Ada, are just as guilty as the demon possessed priests. Ephesians 5:11 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Of course, the majority of Catholics have no idea what scripture says!

Evil seeks to maintain power by Suppressing the Truth and by leading the innocent. The truth is no longer hidden, but now people are Hiding from the Truth! Without followers and supporters, evil can not spread!

As stated, these are only excerpts. Read the entire article here, as there is a lot more to this.

If you are a Catholic reading this, you need to get your religious blinders off, get out of this Synagogue of Satan, repent and turn from Evil. 

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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