Sex-Crazed Woman Fantasized of Kinky Sex in husband’s blood so she Killed Him

‘Evil’ couple found guilty of murdering rich farmer in twisted act

An “evil” woman and her lover sent twisted texts about romping in the blood of her rich husband, before killing him.

Angela Taylor murdered her wealthy farmer husband. Picture: Hertfordshire Police/PA Wire

Australia News  –  A sex-mad ex-wife and her lover have been found guilty of murdering her millionaire farmer husband after they sent depraved texts about romping in his blood.

Angela Taylor, 53, and grave digger partner Paul Cannon, 54, hatched a grisly plot to kill 69-year-old Bill Taylor after developing a “venomous hatred” for him, The Sun reports.

The pair enjoyed a fantasy world of “violence and sex” and shared lurid WhatsApp messages with each other in the weeks leading up to the murder.

Taylor and Cannon talked about having sex on the kitchen table while Bill watched before “sending him to hell”.

Bill’s skeletal remains were discovered waist deep in mud on a river bank two miles from his remote farmhouse in Gosmore, Herts in the UK, eight months after he vanished.

He suffered from tinnitus and his earpiece had been left behind which suggested he had not planned to be outside for long.

Bill always wore a bracelet and a link from it was found near the cow shed on his property, hinting he was involved in a struggle there.

His body was so badly decomposed, determining a cause of death was impossible.

But despite a lack of forensic evidence, the couple were today convicted of murder at St Albans Crown Court after jurors heard dozens of sickening messages they exchanged.


The court was told Bill had refused to grant his wife of 20 years a divorce — causing Cannon and Taylor to develop a “bitter, pervasive hatred” for the landowner.

The gruesome pair then shared fantasies of showering together as Bill’s blood ran down the drain and cutting his ligaments and fingers off.

In the months leading up to the killing, Cannon told Taylor he would “kill for” her and was afraid of losing her.

He went on to say: “You know what I’d like to do … make love to you on his kitchen table with your p***y soaked in blood with him tied to a chair so he had to watch!!!!!!!”

“Then send him to hell.”

On the night the landowner vanished, he told Taylor he was “just watching Kill Bill 2 lol”, with her replying “1 would be nice” with several smiling emojis.


On June 3, Bill was last seen alive by his grandson Ben, who had taken him for a Sunday roast.

In the following days, Cannon sold a Suzuki 4×4 for cash before the vehicle ended up in Bulgaria, while Taylor got rid of her mobile phone.

His Land Rover was also seriously damaged by fire after a diesel-soaked towel was set alight inside it.

Taylor then sent a chilling WhatsApp message to Cannon saying: “Darling you light my fire. Xxxx.”

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If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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