Son of Satan has Fools Drink Deadly Rattex Poison to Show Their Faith

Matthew 4:7 “Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” And that is exactly what these Fools are doing!

Christian Post – At a Christian Occult conference held at Grace Living Hope Ministries, Pastor Light Monyeki fed faith-filled congregants rat poison mixed with water to reportedly nourish their bodies and heal the sick on Saturday.

“The man of God, Prophet Light Monyeki demonstrates power of faith by causing congregants to drink (sic) Rattax; deadly poison to show forth their faith. As he was doing that he said, ‘we do not need to proclaim faith because we are believers. If (sic) nyope boys can smoke Rattax for more than eight years, who are we? Death has no power over us,'” the church noted in a Facebook post along with pictures of the pastor presenting the poison.

“Then he declared life from above upon the water mixed with Rattax; and spoke nourishment unto bodies and healing unto the sick. A multitude of congregants voluntarily ran to the front to have a drink of the deadly poison. After declaring nourishment and healing, Prophet Light was the first one to drink,” the church added.

Read the rest of this Idiocy here.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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