Bohemian Grove comes to House of Cards – Features Mock Human Sacrifice

The reality is there is a REAL event that takes place every year outside of San Francisco California where world leaders go to run naked in the woods and partake in Homosexual activity. If they do a Mock Child Sacrifice, just think what they really do deep in the woods out of sight!

With the recent revelations of “Spirit Cooking” anything is possible from these deviates!

Cremation of Care’ ritual depicted in popular fictional political series

InfoWars – The latest season of the Netflix drama House of Cards features an episode in which politicians attend a Bohemian Grove-like retreat complete with an ominous statue and a mock human sacrifice.

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Bohemian Grove

A place where Elite Perverts gather and engage in homosexual activity and other forms of Debauchery Also visit for more pictures and info The Re-Infiltration of Bohemian Grove Astounding new revelations from inside source who spied on the occult elite Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson | January 17 2006 Since the Summer of … Click Here to Read more