The Federal Reserve is Testing the Mark of the Beast System

Make no mistake about it. The Greedy Global Bankers are working in unison with their master Lucifer to control the whole world and bring humanity into submission by Usury! 1st Timothy 6:7-10 “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us … Click Here to Read more

The Cashless Society: It’s All About to Go Digital

The Cashless Society is here folks and the frogs are about to be boiled alive! So if all the cash is gone, how are you going to pay for stuff! Most all sales and now done by debit or credit card now. All they have to do is make it mandatory and implement their draconian … Click Here to Read more

A Global War of Good vs Evil

Also see the 3 part series: The Battle between Good and Evil By Ray Gano | – I have been doing a lot of research on Agenda 21 / 2030 and I can truly see a war of good and evil taking place. Just looking at our own nation, I could totally see a … Click Here to Read more