Let the Joyous News be Spread, ONE of the Wicked Witches at last is Dead!

Atheist Ruth Bader Ginsburg Now in Torment in Hell where she belongs!  Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” I am seeing a lot of R.I.P posts about ole Ruthie! One can NOT Rest In Peace when they are in Hell! This Radical Baby killing Feminist is responsible … Click Here to Read more

The Burger King and Ronald McDonald are Dating? They Come Out of the Cooler and Jump right into the Homosexual Fryer!

Just another in a long list of Icons shoving The LGBTQPXYZ perversion down everyone’s throat! Burger King Depicts Mascot in Gay Kiss with Ronald McDonald for New Ad Campaign Breitbart News – Burger King has launched a new advertising campaign in Finland featuring its eponymous mascot sharing a deep kiss with Ronald McDonald, along with … Click Here to Read more

Cheshire Cat Marches with the Communists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa

Joel Osteen Joins Paula White, Tony Evans And Other High-Level Laodicean Church Hirelings To March In Solidarity With Black Lives Matter Joel Osteen — a fake pastor and pretend Christian — has, however, been spotted marching along with these hooligans in the streets of Houston, TX, where his multi-million dollar enterprise is headquartered. Almost exactly … Click Here to Read more

As America Burns We are witnessing an increase of Satanic Activity

As America Burns We Are Witnessing An Increase of Satanic Activity – From COVID-19 To The Politics Of Destruction, We See Evil Snowballing Across The Nation By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine We are noting a number of events happening simultaneously, from the COVID-19 lockdowns and the violation of constitutional rights still continuing, to … Click Here to Read more

Furries Arrested For Rape of 15-Year-Old Boy

Suspect met the child during a game of Dungeons and Dragons Kelen McBreen | Info Wars – Jacob Becker and Emily Javins of Penn Township, Pennsylvania, were arrested last week for engaging in a fetish-based sexual affair with a 15-year-old boy. According to Fox 6 Now, the couple was arrested Saturday after the child’s father … Click Here to Read more

X-Furry email about the “Sick Community”

Email from an Ex-Furry Maxis I came across the article “Authorities Make Arrest In Fetish-Themed Child Predator Sex Ring“. I thought this might interest you I’m just trying to expose the true face of this sick community. Anthrocon is (as of 2019) the second-largest furry convention on the planet with 9,358 attendees in 2019. According to The City … Click Here to Read more

Antifa Trannys Stage Satanic Ritual

‘Hail Satan!’ Antifa Transsexuals Stage Satanic Ritual In Downtown Portland to Protest Patriot Prayer Chris Menahan | InformationLiberation Earlier this month, an antifa faction called the “Satanic Portland Antifascists” staged a mock religious ritual in downtown. One of the people leading the ritual is @destroyed4com4t, a local transsexual activist and writer who I remember cheering … Click Here to Read more

Satanic Temple Infested: More than 50% of their Membership are Homo’s Lesbian’s and Tranny’s

Satanic Temple head: ‘More than 50% of our membership is LGBTQ’ August 29, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — “It would be a conservative estimate to say that more than 50 percent of our membership is LGBTQ,” the head of the Satanic Temple said in a recent interview. Lucien Greaves, who runs the U.S. Satanic Temple, told U.K.-based Attitude … Click Here to Read more

Time for Heretic Joel Osteen to Surrender His Ordination Credentials and Leave the Ministry!

He is Pushing and Deceiving Christians, or Supposed-Christians, Into a Satanic One World Religion! He has Multi-Millions, due to his Prosperity Pimping, and can live comfortable the rest of his pathetic life. So why does he continue? To help his father Lucifer draw as many to hell with him as possible! 1st John 2:16 “For … Click Here to Read more

Twitter Loves Trannys: Will Ban if YOU say it is a Mental Disorder

Twitter Declines to Say If People Can Post That ‘Transsexualism’ is a ‘Mental Disorder’ “Transsexualism and milder forms of gender dysphoria are types of mental disorder.” CNS News – Twitter recently locked the account of esteemed sexual psychologist Ray Blanchard, Ph.D.–apparently for posting that “transsexualism” and “gender dysphoria are types of mental disorder”–and then unlocked … Click Here to Read more

Really Stupid Tranny Chops Off his own Penis and Testicles to ‘become a Nullo’

The good news is he won’t be able to reproduce and pass that perversion and stupidity on to the next generation!! The Sun – Trent Gates, 23, from Washington DC, identifies as ‘non-binary’ and claims he still enjoys sex with his boyfriend following the grisly castration. He cut off his todger in April 2016 after … Click Here to Read more