Signs and Symbols of Communism Socialism Antifa and BLM

You can be saved from Satan’s Snare. Find out how Here I have rearranged all of the Signs and Symbols according to what they represent. If you don’t see what your looking for here, Check the following links. Categorized Signs and Symbols are at these links Satanism Gothic  Vampirism Witchcraft Paganism New Age Masons Secret … Click Here to Read more

The New World Order We Were Warned Was Coming Is Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same

Medical Martial Law, Empty Shelves, Radical Socialism And More, All In The Name Of Control     By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine 2021 should have been a real eye opener for those Independent Media warned about the “NWO” aka the New World Order, where chaos is created just so radical politicians can use … Click Here to Read more

Dirty Dianne Feinstein: Your Papers Please

Dirty Democrat Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill To Require COVID Vaccination In Order To Fly Domestically ‘Papers please’ legislation introduced by Senator who was caught several times breaking mask mandate she endorsed   Democrat Communist Senator Dirty Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation that would see Americans forced to be vaccinated or to provide a negative COVID … Click Here to Read more

California Education System Set To Resurrect Baal Worship

California School Curriculum Will Have Students Worship Aztec Gods Of Human Sacrifice & Cannibalism State to teach children Christianity guilty of “theocide” against indigenous tribes Kelen McBreen | News Wars – Controversial curriculum proposed by The California Department of Education will have students chanting the names of Aztec gods once worshiped in human sacrifice rituals. … Click Here to Read more

Proof there are Very Dark Forces behind Black Lives Matter

“Hail Satan”: After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed Alex Newman | The New American – There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind Black Lives Matter, and it’s not just the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead spirits and allowing them to work through BLM … Click Here to Read more

Clergy Response Teams: Can You Trust Your Apostate Judas Pastor?

So many of them are really anti-Christ’s and Wolves in Sheep’s clothing you just don’t know. “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”– C.H. Spurgeon If they are preaching feel good massages, i.e. the Social Gospel, always talk of Prosperity and Money, never … Click Here to Read more

Domestic Terrorist Giant Yahoo: Pushes to Replace the Star-Spangled Banner with Satanist John Lennon’s Socialism Song Imagine

Yahoo is an evil organization that hates America and God! They want Lennon’s song to replace the National Anthem because the Communists want people to forget God, remove him from their minds and society! Imagine that! Pun intended! More on Lennon, the Beatles and their hero, Aleister Crowley the master Satanist after this quick news. … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch finds out how Evil the Luciferians really are!

Marianne Williamson: ‘I Didn’t Think the Left Lied like This’ Tony Lee | Breitbart News – Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson (D) revealed that she did not think the left was “so mean” and “lied like this” until she ran for president as an outsider candidate. “I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left … Click Here to Read more

Democrats become the Official Party of Death

DNC Chair Lucifer Child: Party will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates. Apropos for this First day of May! Proverbs 30:11-14 “There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother. 12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. 13 There is … Click Here to Read more

May Day and International Workers Day

May Day and International Workers Day: An ancient celebration with Pagan and Communist roots Info below is taken and combined from several sources The 1st May is an ancient Northern Hemisphere festival, now known as ‘May Day’, which traditionally marked the return of spring. It is believed that the celebrations originated in agricultural rituals intended … Click Here to Read more

Satan is a Democrat

Satan is a Democrat.… according to Milton; says Atheist/Satanist Jeffrey Tayler at   His babbling is a viscous attack against God and Christians. John 15:18-19 “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but … Click Here to Read more