Catholic Exorcists will attempt to Drive Out Pope Francis’ Demons from the Vatican on December 6!

They will not succeed. The Satanic Ritual that they will perform below will only strengthen and draw in more of the Principalities, Powers, Rulers of Darkness and Spiritual Wickedness in High places Exorcists call for day of reparation after Pachamama rituals WASHINGTON, D.C., November 13, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – In a joint statement, four exorcists called … Click Here to Read more

Bones from Missing Teen could be from a Satanic Sacrifice in the Vatican

Human Remains Discovered in a Vatican Building Might Unveil Satanic Sacrifices by the Holy See Forensic analysis suggests remains embedded in Vatican building since 1980s Leo Zagami – This is news I report with a great sense of sorrow, especially because it involves Emanuela Orlandi, the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee that has been … Click Here to Read more

Pedophile Catholic Priests have Stronghold on Island of Guam

When you read this keep in mind it is on a small island with not that many people. This has been going on, according to the article, since 1955! Just another instance of religion being used as a cover. It is stated the parents told one child “ clergy are never wrong, and that the … Click Here to Read more

Massive Child Porn Collection found in Vatican

Police detectives have uncovered one of the largest collections of child pornography ever within the walls of the Vatican. As the Catholic Church continue to suppress evidence of institutional child abuse involving high-ranking officials, detectives recently uncovered “unprecedented” amounts of explicit images and videos of child rape within the Vatican itself. reports: The Vatican … Click Here to Read more

Top Advisor to Pope, Cardinal Pell, Charged with Sex Assaults on Young Boys

False Prophet backs him 100% – Global pedophilia rings continue to be exposed

RT – Australia’s highest-ranking Roman Catholic clergyman, Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell, has been charged by Australian police over sex allegations from “multiple complainants.”

The Vatican has released a statement of support for Pell, citing his “honesty.”

“Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect of historic sexual offences,” Victoria state police deputy commissioner Shane Patton told the media in Melbourne on Thursday.

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