Former Jehovah’s Witnesses to protest sex abuse scandals at Pa. convention

What does this Religious Cult believe? Read here The reason for the protests?  Jehovah’s Witnesses Church Leaders Cover-Up a HUGE Pedophile Ring The Inquirer – Chessa Manion insists she’s not looking for revenge, or to spark an ugly confrontation, when she heads to Berks County this weekend. The plan that she and a group of … Click Here to Read more

Jehovah’s Witness

ARE THE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES CHRISTIAN? By Ed Decker @ In the world of ministry to the cults, some things become abstract definitions of things rather than understandings of people. I have to admit my relationship with the Jehovah’s Witnesses had long slipped into that category until one night when my oldest son, Josh, slipped … Click Here to Read more