Why it is a Sin to be Gay Part 2

Are Homosexuals Born that Way? Part II

Jimmy Swaggart July 2015 original here

Colossians 2:14-15 – “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”


THE ONLY ANSWER IS Jesus Christ and what He did for us at the Cross (Rom. 6:1-14; 8:1-2, 11; I Cor. 1:17-18, 23; 2:2; Col. 2:14-15).

As we have previously said, and will continue to say over and over again, if, in fact, man has the answer for these problems in the realm of psychoanalysis, or any other way, Jesus Christ made an unnecessary trip down to this sin-benighted world to die on Calvary, thereby, paying a terrible price to redeem humanity. Once again I remind the reader, man’s problem is sin, not environment, association, or education, even though these things certainly may have some affect. And once again I say, man’s solution is Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and that alone! In other words, there is no other answer.
Also, I remind the reader, Jesus needs no help in this capacity, for, in effect, He has already effected the cure, which is His shed blood coupled with His power. For the church to look elsewhere, to do otherwise, to think otherwise, is not just sin, but actually, rank, raw, ignominious blasphemy.


The word unseemly as used in Romans 1:27, in the Greek is aschemosune, and means “want of form, disfigurement, deformed, one’s nakedness, shame.”

It does not matter that modern man may attempt to label homosexuality as merely an “alternative lifestyle,” insinuating that there is nothing wrong with this direction, the truth is the opposite, and irrespective of what type of erroneous laws that Congress may make, or the Supreme Court may judge. Man’s law in no way changes God’s laws, i.e., that which God has deemed will happen! The awful results will always come about, irrespective of how much man may attempt to apply a seal of approval to this issue, or any other issue pertaining to life and godliness.


The phrase, “And receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet,” refers to the penalty that is attached to wrongdoing, and if persisted, will always be brought about.

Recompense in the Greek is antimisthian, and means “a reward given in compensation, requital, recompense.” The word here refers to that natural result of their sin which pays them back for what they have done. The evil consequences are necessary as ordained by divine law. When one violates the laws of nature (God), one must pay the price.

The word error in the Greek is palne and means “a wandering, roving, or wrong action.” It carries the idea of an individual leaving the natural instincts created by God and forcing those instincts into perversion. The wandering, roving, wrong action steadily gets worse and worse, with the error becoming more and more pronounced. An excellent example is the many homosexuals and lesbians who have had their mental, emotional, and even physical appearances changed, and for the worst. In other words, their homosexuality shows in their mannerisms, which again are unnatural and repulsive.


The Bible has much to say about this sin, as it does all sin.

Historically, according to the Bible, homosexual behavior was linked with idolatrous cult prostitution (I Ki. 14:24; 15:12; 22:46). However, the stern warning against this practice is included in Levitical law, and upheld under the new covenant as well, even respecting these passages in Romans (Lev. 18:22; 20:13).

In this chapter, to which we have already alluded, Paul greatly condemns homosexual acts – lesbian as well as male – putting them in the same breath, in a sense, as idolatry. However, his theological canvas is broader than the expression of the homosexual act regarding idolatry, but is rather held up as the terrible exchange fallen man has made in departing from his Creator’s intention. Seen from this angle, every homosexual act is unnatural, not so much because it cuts across the individual’s natural sexual orientation, or even infringes Old Testament law, which it definitely does, but rather because it flies in the face of God’s creation plan for human sexual expression.


Paul makes two more references to homosexual practices in other epistles. Both occur in lists of banned activities and strike the same condemnatory note. In I Corinthians 6:9, practicing homosexuals are included among the unrighteous who will not inherit the kingdom of God; however, Paul then adds a redemptive note, saying, “And such were some of you” (I Cor. 6:11). In other words, the Lord saved these once practicing homosexuals, cleansing them of their sin, and made them new creations in Christ Jesus.

The idea is, as should be obvious, that the Lord does not save in sin, but from sin. A newsman asked me once if God would save homosexuals. My answer to him was very clear and concise. I said, “Yes, God will save homosexuals, or anyone who comes to Him for that matter. Actually, that is the very reason Jesus came and died on Calvary.” “However,” I quickly added, “But that means they will have to give up their sin of homosexuality, just as the drunkard gives up his drink,” etc.

In I Timothy 1:10, Paul again speaks of the sin of homosexuality, and by inference, declares the lost condition of those who practice this sin as well as other sins. It has been suggested that the meaning of arsenikoites in I Corinthians 6:9 and I Timothy 1:10 may be restricted to that of “male prostitute.” However, Greek linguistic evidence to support this view is lacking.

It is beyond reasonable doubt that Paul intended to condemn homosexual conduct in any capacity, but not homosexual people. As Creator, Lawgiver, and King, the Lord’s condemnation of such behavior is absolutely plain, but yet He loves the sinner.

Following are some questions respecting homosexuality with some answers, which hopefully will be helpful.


In a word, No!

While it is true that the seed of original sin carries with it every type of deviation, aberration, perversion, and wrongdoing, the homosexual cannot claim to have been born that way any more than the drunkard, gambler, killer, etc. However, I think it correct to say that the gene pool which constitutes the character and personality make up of every individual is more predisposed toward some aberrations in certain persons than others. In the spiritual sense, the perverted or abnormal number of genes in any particular direction is not the cause of these situations, but rather the results. The genes are that way because of man’s fallen condition in a spiritual sense. So, even if scientists one day can find a way to control the genes, the problem will still not be solved, because that which feeds the genes, which is the soul and the spirit of man, cannot be changed by medical or psychological procedures, but only by the power of God. It is called the new birth, and is referred to in the Word of God as regeneration. The actual passage says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5).

The word regeneration in the Greek text is plaiggenesia and means “once more or again,” in other words, “re-gened.”

The Lord Jesus Christ and He alone can change the person, i.e., re-gene the individual, hence, regeneration.

To further prove the point, when identical twins are born, the gene pool is identical, at least to a greater degree, in these twins. At times one has become a homosexual, while the other one did not. If, in fact, they were born that way, if one was homosexual, the other would be likewise. The very fact that both seldom turn out to be that way proves that they are not born in that manner.

Again we stated, that even though there are greater propensities toward certain proclivities in some people than in others, does not mean the thing is set in concrete, but only that there is a lean toward a certain direction. In fact, the Lord does not condemn the sinner for what he is, but rather for refusing to accept God’s way out of the situation, which is the salvation afforded by Christ at Calvary. That goes for every sinner, homosexuals included!


Actually, this is a question we have already answered.

Yes, the Lord will save homosexuals, or anyone who comes to Him, irrespective as to who or what they may be. That is the very reason Jesus came to this world, “to save sinners” (I Cor. 6:9-12).

However, the homosexual, upon coming to Christ, must abandon the former lifestyle immediately, and that goes for the drunk, gambler, or anyone for that matter.

When a person comes to Christ, he leaves something (the old lifestyle), and comes to something, and more particularly to someone, the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, we take upon ourselves, and by His help, His lifestyle.


Biblical counseling will help, but not psychological counseling. The problem is spiritual, and the Bible alone deals with such.

Biblical counseling will simply direct the person to the Lord Jesus Christ and the price that He paid at Calvary, so that one may be saved. It must be understood, that Jesus atoned for every sin at the Cross. This means that Satan and all of his cohorts of darkness were defeated at Calvary (Col. 2:14-15). Sin is that which gives Satan the legal right to hold man in bondage. With all sin atoned, he has no more right to do such. That being the case, how is it that he keeps most of the world in bondage?

He does such simply because men will not take advantage of what Christ has done for us at Calvary. Untold millions in the world are lost without God, but it’s because they will not avail themselves of the opportunity of accepting Christ.

Regrettably, many in the church, if not most, fall into the same category. They do not understand that it was at the Cross that all victory was won. This means that the Cross of Christ must ever be made the object of our faith (Rom. 6:1-14; 8:1-2, 11; I Cor. 1:17-18, 23; 2:2; Gal., Chpt. 5; 6:14; Eph. 2:13-18; Col. 2:14-15).

When the believer places his faith exclusively in Christ and the Cross, and maintains his faith exclusively in Christ and the Cross, the Holy Spirit, who alone can effect what is needed in our lives, will work grandly on our behalf. However, the Holy Spirit will not work outside the parameters of the finished work of Christ, which necessitates our faith in that redemption plan.

Paul said, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death”> (Rom. 8:2).

The Cross of Christ is God’s way, and His only way, because that is all that is needed. In order for the person to be set free, there has got to be a power greater than the powers of darkness, and the homosexual spirit is one of the most powerful spirits of darkness in the world. The greater power is in the Holy Spirit, who works exclusively, as stated, within the parameters of the Cross. This is God’s way, the way of the Cross, and it does not need the help of the ways of the world.

In fact, psychology holds no help at all for the homosexual, or anyone else for that matter, only harm. It is harm because it attempts to make the person believe a lie, and it keeps them from their only source of help, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Psychological counseling, for the most part, attempts to make the homosexual “feel good about himself,” in other words, to accept his orientation, as it is called. If the truth be known, many psychologists claim that the guilt felt by homosexuals (or anyone for that matter), is the real problem, and is present because of certain myths, they say, called the Bible, etc.

While it is true that the law of the Bible does point out man’s terrible sins, still, if the Bible did not exist, the guilt of man’s fallen condition would remain. The guilt can only be removed by Jesus Christ. The Bible did not originate the guilt – sin being the fault – it only defines it. Concerning guilt Paul also said, “There is therefore now no condemnation (guilt) to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit” (Rom. 8:1).


In fact, yes! Actually, it can be no other way, if salvation is to be salvation (II Cor. 5:17-18); however, whereas this terrible bondage, as with other problems such as temper, alcohol, nicotine, etc., are at times broken immediately, with some, certain things regarding particular victory does not come quite so quickly. In other words, at times there is a struggle.

However, the Lord does not throw us out if we fail or slip back, but, in fact, instantly forgives us as we ask for such (I Jn. 1:9). Consequently, the new believer must continue to believe God, making certain that his faith is strictly in Christ and the Cross, which, as stated, will then give the Holy Spirit latitude to work within his life, which will ultimately bring victory. In fact, the struggle may continue for a period of time, but if the believer keeps his faith in Christ and the Cross, and doesn’t allow it to be moved to something else, ultimately, that sin will no longer have dominion over that person, whatever type of sin it might be. Paul said: For sin shall not have dominion over you (the sin nature will not have dominion over us if we as believers continue to exercise faith in the Cross of Christ; otherwise, the sin nature most definitely will have dominion over the believer): for you are not under the law (means that if we try to live this life by any type of law, no matter how good that law might be in its own right, we will conclude by the sin nature having dominion over us), but under grace (the grace of God flows to the believer on an unending basis only as long as the believer exercises faith in Christ and what He did at the Cross; grace is merely the goodness of God exercised by and through the Holy Spirit, and given to undeserving saints)” (Rom. 6:14).


Yes, that is if the person does not repent and, thereby, forsake that lifestyle. Of course, the same can be said for alcoholism, drug addiction, or religion for that matter (Gal. 5:19-21).

The age-old problem of mankind is the desire to live in sin and have salvation at the same time; however, those who would attempt such a thing have not truly been born again. When the person truly comes to Christ, making Him the Lord of one’s life, affections change totally and completely. Actually, the Scripture is rather implicit about this, saying, “Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). In other words, the new believer does not want the old sinful lifestyle any longer, even though he may at times sense its pull. He is now a “new creation in Christ Jesus.”


The courts legalizing something does not legitimize it in the eyes of God. The Word of God does not change irrespective of what others may do. That is the reason it is referred to as objective truth, which means it is the same standard forever and for everyone. The recognition of homosexual marriages by the courts is an abomination in the sight of God.

As well, the allowing of homosexual couples to adopt children is again, an abomination. Putting a child in such an abnormal environment can do nothing but have an adverse effect on that child, which will affect them negatively for the rest of his life. In fact, a study was recently done in England concerning this very thing. They found after exhaustive surveys, that irrespective what the world of psychology said, that the children who were placed in homosexual homes did not fare nearly as well as otherwise. In fact, there was such a negative influence on these little hearts and lives, that most of them, if any of them, outside of Christ, would ever get over the situation.

Regrettably, this is also the case in many so-called straight homes and for the simple reason that most do not know Jesus. Only Jesus can make a marriage, and He definitely will not do so with such an unscriptural, perverted lifestyle of homosexuality, irrespective of claims to the contrary.

However, if a home does have Christ, it has the only solution for its problems and the only guarantee for success.


To which we have alluded elsewhere in our comments on this subject, the Lord loves the homosexual just as much as He does anyone else. When He died on Calvary, He died for these people just as well as He died for you and me. In fact, His atonement is no different for them than for us.

Likewise, Christians must show kindness and the God kind of love toward homosexuals, as they do for others. That means, at least as far as possible, to treat them as human beings, and that means with respect and dignity; however, the believer must never leave the impression that such a lifestyle is condoned, while at the same time not leveling condemnation on the person. No one has ever brought people to Christ with a club, but millions have been brought to the Saviour because they felt somebody cared for them. At the same time, I do not think it is possible that believers could be close friends with a homosexual, or anyone outside of Christ for that matter! The believer and the unbeliever have absolutely nothing in common, at least on which to build and sustain a friendship. One serves Christ, while the other serves himself.


The Scripture says, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient” (Rom. 1:28).

The phrase, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,” carries the idea of the human race putting God to the test for the purpose of approving or disapproving Him.

They wanted a God to their liking, and finding that He did not meet those specifications, the world refused to approve Him as the God to be worshipped, or have Him in its knowledge.

The knowledge spoken of here in the Greek is epignosis and means “full and precise knowledge.” In other words, their knowledge of God, due to their rebellion against Him, and, therefore, going into deep sin, was only a dim and perverted memory! If one wants to know what is wrong with the modern school system in America, despite the fact of hundreds of billions of dollars being thrown at this ever-worsening situation, it is because educators “did not like to retain God in their knowledge.” So, and speaking of the public school system, we have godless schools, which means that the schools are filled with Satan. We have godless education, which means that what knowledge the students do have is largely warped and twisted, ill-preparing them for life. We have godless direction, consequently we have erroneous ways.

The phrase, “God gave them over to a reprobate mind,” presents the third time such a statement is used (Rom. 1:24, 26, 28). Once again, humanity wanted that which was licentious and evil and the Lord took away the restraining forces, allowing them to have what they desired.

The words reprobate mind in the Greek text is “adokimon noun.” It carries the idea of the human race putting God on trial, and because it rejected Him, God gave it a “trial-less” mind, in other words, one incapable of discharging the functions of a mind with respect to the things of salvation.

As they did not think it fit to keep God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a mind which has no way to comprehend God. In other words, light rejected is light withdrawn. The one thing answers to the other.

Virtually, they pronounce the true God disapproved and would have none of Him, and He in turn gave them up to a disapproved mind, a mind which actually is no mind, and cannot discharge the functions of one, a mind in which the divine distinctions of right and wrong are confused and lost, so that God’s condemnation cannot but fall on it at last. This speaks of people who are completely perverted. As the Canaanites of old who did their abominations unto their gods, the last depth of evil has been reached.

There were three terrible sins pandemic in the great empires of the past, which contributed greatly to their fall. They are:

Pedophilia (child molestation).

Regrettably, America is heading down the same path.

The only answer for the homosexual and anyone for that matter is the Lord Jesus Christ. When He comes into the heart, this bondage of darkness will cease, and it will only cease if He comes into the heart. There is no answer other than “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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